Sunday, March 1, 2015

Education for Tribal & Farming communities on the background of Third Industrial Revolution (TIR)

Third Industrial Revolution (TIR)

In a book ‘Third Industrial Revolution (TIR)’ Mr.Jeremy Riffkin analyzed the new world order that is taking place on the background of present energy crises. Sources of energy were prime force behind all the industrial development taken place so far. First industrial revolution was coal based; second industrial revolution was based on oil as a source of energy. Oil based industrialization also lead us to side effect such as pollution and global warming. There is enough indication that with depleting oil reservoirs, second Industrial revolution is nearing its end. According to him we are now moving towards ‘Third Industrial Revolution’. TIR will be boon to tribal and farming communities due to their proximity to natural resources.

TIR will be based on the renewable energy sources. Prof.Riffkin mention’s five pillars on which TIR will be based. They are:-
(    1) Use of renewable energy viz. solar, biomass, wind, tide etc.  (2) Each house & every farm becoming power plant and producing energy. 3) Use of new environmental friendly energy storage devices. (4) Generating, receiving and transmitting energy just like the Internet.  Millions of buildings will generate a small amount of renewable energy locally, on-site and they can sell surplus green electricity back to the grid (5) Plug in Transportation using green electricity.
Present system of production, transport, education got developed to meet the demand of the oil based industry. Reffkin called oil as an ‘Elite’ class of energy which needs huge capital and it is in the hand of few countries and few industries. Therefore industries became centralized and capital intensive. It also leads to development of cities where reliable supply of electricity is available.
If renewal energy becomes the prime source of power, it will create new models of developmental. Renewable energy is decentralized and available throughout the globe in one form or other. This will make a decentralized production a necessity. Sharing of energy and information become necessity and therefore new society will form on the values of co-operation, collaboration, sharing among the people. We can get a signal of emergence of TIR from the Open source software movement, Wikipedia, rising oil prices and increasing interest about the renewable energy products. 

Tribal and Farming community and TIR 

TIR will be boon to tribal and farming communities. Following are the possibilities –
i)                    Tribal areas are rich in biomass/natural resources. They can become producers of biomass based power. 
ii)                  Non – irrigated farm land can become a power plant and can generate solar/wind power.
iii)                 Surplus electricity generated in dry land, forest etc can be sold to the energy grid. They will able to control energy.
iv)                Industry will get established near the source of power and thereby starting other development activities in the region.
v)                  New advancement in technologies like digital fabrication, 3 D printers etc will make sharing of design over internet possible and get the job made locally. Digital fabrication will reduce the geographical advantages of cities in centralized production.
vi)                Rural and Tribal areas with less pollution, abundant energy and internet, will become preferred place to live quality of life. 

This may sound to be too optimistic for few. But Europe is already leading towards TIR. There is realization among that further development is not possible without planning for next industrial revolution.
Technology has a potential to change the rules the society gets govern, behavior of people etc. Tribal and rural areas were at disadvantages in 2nd industrial revolution due to remoteness from the cities. Transport cost of electricity and oil, capital intensive and centralized production process located in cities etc. Now with the TIR, disadvantages of tribal areas can turn into its advantages. We must now act fast so that this time we will not miss the bus.

Education for TIR

Education is a tool for social transformation. Present education system got developed to meet demand of the 2nd industrial society. It wants its people to work in factory, remember and obey set of instructions. Due to huge investment made in capital, they want to be control knowledge and protect intellectual property.  
Renewal sources of energy are democratic source of energy. They are available everywhere! This will leads to different kind of industries. Therefore TIR society will need different set of skills in our people. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are already becoming integral part of our life. New society may not need to memorize the information. But one needs to have skills of obtaining appropriate information and making use of them. Human being will increasingly offload its laborious & monotonous tasks to machines. But two skills cannot be off loaded to machine.
1) creativity                                                        2) Empathy
These two skills are most importantly required to be done in the era of TIR. Now the question is how should, we inculcate these skills through our education system? The present education system based on rote learning, memorization and is getting out-dated. There is a consensus emerging among educationalist on the ways to develop creativity and intelligence among the child. Some of the important recommendation are : -
i)                    To introduce research methodology from early education.
ii)                  To teach them through projects based methodologies on the real life problems.
iii)                The project should be involving cross curricular areas.
iv)                Students should work in a team to build values like team work, dignity of labour etc.
To develop empathy for others among children, many innovative schools are asking their students to do community work in hospitals and old age homes. Schools are also engaged in providing community services in the area of health, sanitation etc.  

Action plan for 2020 

Following is the action plan to prepare our students for challenges and opportunities emerging from TIR.  
i)                    Gandhiji in his ‘Nai Talim’ suggested ‘Productive Work should be medium of education’. Productive work by its nature is connected to real life needs. It is connected to community and it involves education in cross curricular area. Therefore we must implement ‘Learning while doing’ system of education.
ii)                  To begin with we must ensure 20% of school timing should be given for ‘Learning while doing’.
iii)                Various new technologies viz. solar, biogas, water conservation etc to be taught in the schools and should be demonstrated and practiced on the school premises. Schools should become center of technology transfer to communities.
iv)                Our schools lack many things viz. toilets, blackboards, benches, laboratories etc. But most neglected and most essential to have ‘Work Places’ in our schools. We need to create place in the schools where it become hard to tutor! We need work place, where children can ‘CREATE’ new things. We need to develop ‘Enterprising-ness’ in our children. This is only possible by giving tools in their hands. Let’s starts developing attitude of ‘tinkering’ ‘making’ ‘experimenting’ and finding solution among our students. 

Vigyan Ashram ( ) is working with secondary school children (VIII-Xth) std. It is implementing ‘Introduction to Basic Technology (IBT)’ program in over 122 schools. In the program students are taught basic skills in the area of Engineering, Energy, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, food processing for 20% of the school timing as a part of regular curriculum. The program is also recognized as a vocational program at SSC level. The program has shown its replicability in tribal and forest region of Chattisgarh and Maharashtra. Vigyan Ashram is making efforts to achieve the development through education system. This is in line with TIR requirement. One page information of the program is attached. 
 Fortunately like Vigyan Ashram, there are enough experiments done in our country in the last 60 years. There is no need to do any more pilots. We can learn from the experiments and take our tribal population on the fast track to lead ahead in TIR developments.

                                                                                                                                 Yogesh, 04/02/2015

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